Basic happenings at cat shows
What is the perfect way to describe a cat show?
Cats are lovely and adorable pets when compared with dogs. The dog’s shows are common like common people while the cat shows are rare just like celebrities. The cat shows identify the winner in each breed and is a fun time for the kitties. Though they are not as popular as dogs shows still they can maintain their unique savage. Let us find out all the happenings in a cat show.
The cat shows can help a person find which breed of the cat is the best under various breeds, categories, and criteria. Every category has some specific and unique rules from the other.
The mammoth organizations from developed countries like CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) from the US, GCCF (Governing Council of the cat fancy) from the UK, and the TICA (TheInternational Cat Association) merge to organize hundreds of cat shows in targeted countries.
Brief history of the cat shows
Sir Harrison Weir formulated and hosted the first cat show on the 13th of July 1871 to identify and observe the fancies of the domestic cat. During the first cat show held in Crystal Palace, the event manager Mr. F. Wilson was successful in exhibiting 170 cats of different breeds. The people visiting the show had developed some brief knowledge about different behaviors in different breed cats.
The judges selected for the show included Weir and his brother, along with a popular entomologist Mr. Cumming. The show was a grand success and during its short course, 20,000 visitors attended it. The administration of the Crystal Palace had to enforce more number of trains to the location as the numbers of visitors to the show were increasing rapidly.
How can a cat win the show?
The judges look for every single aspect of the cat from behavior to figure before announcing the winner of the breed. The cat which fulfills the most number of criteria with a high number of scores and skills will steal the awards. The overall posture, balance, and features of the cat are included in the awarding list.
What is the eligibility requirement to be met for a cat participating in the show?
The eligibility of the cat depends on the show participating. Some show requisite participation from affiliation registrations. The most important criteria are that the cat must be fit, healthy, and vaccinated before participating in the show.